Home Food and Treat Recipes Homemade Dog Food (how We Healed Our Dogs By Changing Their Diet)...

Homemade Dog Food (how We Healed Our Dogs By Changing Their Diet) | The Artsy Kitchen


We started feeding our homemade dog food a few months ago, simply to better the nutrition value of their diet. The transformation and healing that came as a result were so unbelievable that we just had to share! We definitely aren't vets, but we wanted to share our story for those who might be curious about transitioning their dogs from kibble to fresh cooked food. Made in the crockpot, it comes together in no time for super easy meal prep!

FULL RECIPE http://theartsykitchen.weebly.com/blog/homemade-dog-food

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Music by Oliwia Orlowska https://soundcloud.com/oliwia-or-owska-247852559


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