Welcome to Dogs, Dames & Dudes! We're glad you're here.
We have created this blog for dog lovers like ourselves in hopes to share our love and passion for our pet dogs, from the smallest puppies all the way to the largest canines.
Here you will find how to and Do-It-Yourself content, both original and found on the web, shared for your entertainment and delight. We also work hard to research current topics that affect our favorite pooches and do our best to be informative and helpful in our advice.
Yes, there are times we may recommend a product or service to you that we personally like and believe in, and the links to them may contain an affiliate link. This means that we may earn a commission from our recommendation – but don't worry! You will never be charged more for this.
You also may find ads on our site. Although we love to provide great, fun content to our visitors, we still need to pay for hosting so the ads help us keep the lights on.
If you have any questions, concerns, or even ideas for future posts, please contact us – We're always happy to hear from you!